Q: Hello, I am Robert (cinderboy), journalist from OnRPG. Can you please introduce yourself to our readers?
A: Hi, I’m Mao. I’m the mascot of Myth Angels Online. I’m here to share with OnRPG readers the information about how is it going with Myth Angels Online now and in the near future.
Q: Can you please give a short introduction to use about your company, Userjoy Technology?
A: Userjoy Technology is a free-to-play developer and publisher since 1995, and has developed many quality titles, such as Angels Online, Kingdom Heroes Online, and Legendary Champions Online. So far it has spread happiness to North America, Europe, Russia, Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia.
Userjoy has also co-developed with Q Entertainment the technology of porting PC MMO games over PlaySation 3 platform. USERJOY is committed to its mission to provide quality online game service across platforms and bring joys to the local gamers around the world.
Q: Would you care explaining the inspiration behind the expansion’s rather subtle name, “Yearning for Spring to Come”?
A: Sure. The new expansion is actually specially prepared for the winter vacation.
To correspond with the winter time, our new expansion “Yearning for Spring to Come” is describing a period of time when Dark Winter has descended to the world, and all the creatures are anticipating the symbol of hope, Spring, to arrive.
We have added many new contents, such as releasing new skills and new instances, into MAO, and hope gamers will enjoy and have fun during their winter vacation. 🙂
Q: The Angels series of MMORPG has always revolved around Greek mythology as its background story. Can you briefly tell us about the expansion’s storyline and how will it affect the overall lore?
A: Sure. The expansion “Yearning for Spring to Come” is describing the period of time when Hades, who controls life and death, has taken Demeter’s daughter, Persephone, and drags her into the lowest region of the world. With the absence of Persephone, Demeter is too sad to cultivate.
The Land becomes barren, climate changes, and storms raid people’s home. The whole world was covering by deep darkness, and the real WINTER has descended. All the creatures are yearning for spring to come when Demeter can ever meet Persephone again.
So Zeus calls our brave fighters in front of him in hopes that gamers could obtain the amethystine dragon sword sealed in a gigantic lava rock to break the dark force and bring Persephone back.
Q: I have seen several players speculating about having a new server, Cerebus, in the forums. Can you confirm this news and why the need for a new server to accompany the expansion?
A: We confirm the news that a new server-CERBERUS is going to launch together with the new expansion. J
From the launch of Myth Angels Online since this October, due to gamers’ support, we have a good run in our first server CHIMERA. With the new expansion launched, we believe there will be more new gamers joining up. We would like to provide a more comfortable environment for them to enjoy the game.
Q: A new main city, Dark Palace, will also be released as part of the new content. What and where exactly is this place located in the world map?
A: Dark Palace is the Palace of Hades. Unlike the other cities located in the land of Gaia, Dark Palace is located at the other side of world, the land of Tartaros.

Q: What are some of the new things players can find in Dark Palace?
A: Dark Palace contains 3 portals to the extended new instances.
The color and atmosphere of Dark Palace is darker and creepier. In the extended instances gamers will get to see hungry ghosts and skeletons. 🙂
Q: Another new feature will be the Mastery Skills System. How does this new system works and will it have any impact on the current skill system?
A: Mastery Skills are classified as special skills which can be deemed as the most powerful skills in MAO. Mastery Skills have great influence in the battles and even have the power to reverse the trend. In this new expansion we are going to open the 1st stage Mastery Skills which contains 3 types, “Active”, “Passive”, and “General.”
Due to its power, it would be considered difficult to obtain such skills during the play. However gamers will have chance to get Mastery Skills while opening the lucky bags from the item mall. Taking the odds would also be a chance for gamers who want to be the first group to try the new Mastery Skills.
Q: The level cap has been raised significantly from level 60 to 80. Is it safe to say that much of the new content will be catered for only the higher level players?
A: Yes. In this expansion, we have opened 4th main city, Dark Palace which contains 3 portals (Lv.40~60, Lv.60~70, Lv.70~80) to the extended instances. Each portal has 4 instances and one special stage, for a total of 15 instances. Each instance is carefully designed for gamers to challenge and have fun; meanwhile, we provide plenty loots, rewards, and exp.
Besides, we’ve opened Star Temple for high level gamers to challenge where they can fight against ultimate bosses to obtain rare treasures. We also provide PvP events, such as Red-Blue Competition and Siege War. We’ve tried our best to make sure gamers always have something to do in MAO. ;-p
Q: Along with the level raise, new equipments are no doubt available too. Can you tell us what are some of the powerful equipements players can expect and perhaps show our readers some screenshots of them?
A: Basically there are 2 ways for gamers to obtain equipments besides taking the chance by opening the lucky bag from the item mall.
In General Maps: [General, Advanced, Perfect] Lv. 65, Lv.70, Lv.75, Lv.80
In Battlefield: [Advanced, Perfect] Lv. 20, Lv.40, Lv.60
Q: Are there any new mounts released in the expansion? If there are, can we have teaser screenshots of them too?
A: Yes, we have released a few more mounts in this expansion. Hope gamers will enjoy them!

Q: Is there any new content which was not mentioned?
A: Basically you got them all covered. We got new server-CERBERUS, 4th main city, Dark Palace, Mastery Skills system, Level cap rising to Lv.80, new gears and mounts. But of course, please do not forget our new events for the celebration of the launch of new server & content, and the merry season, such as 100,000 angel coin giveaway!
Q: When, will be the expansion exactly be released?
A: On December 14th.
Q: There has been much debate in the forums over the possibility of adding the “bot” system found in the previous Angels MMORPGs into Myth Angels Online. Any comments on this issue?
A: As you might have known, we are the developer of Myth Angels Online as well. We take gamers’ feedback into consideration as much as possible. For the auto-play system you’ve referred, it is designed for the “convenience” purpose for gamers. However, even when gamers are using the auto-play system, it doesn’t mean that they can leave the game there, like using “bot” system.
Gamers still have to look in to the auto-play system, and try to figure out the details and what setting of the auto-play system may be most suitable for them. Currently we haven’t had plan to add the auto-play system yet, but we will take gamers’ feedback into consideration and keep observe the situation in MAO to make further decision.
Q: What are some of the events players can look forward to upon the new server’s and content’s release?
A: Yes!! We have prepared many excited events for both new coming gamers and faithful gamers.
To celebrate the open of CERBERUS, we have 3 main events, 100,000 Angel Gold Giveaway, Guild Rewards, and Beginner’s Gift Box Giveaway. We have provided many practical rewards for new gamers join up in the new server-CERBERUS.
And of course we are not forgetting our faith gamers in CHIMERA. To celebrate our new expansion, also Christmas and New Year, starting from Dec. 15, gamers can receive Christmas backpack, an item to maximum backpack loading from the NPC.
There is more, by collecting some special items and exchanging with NPC, gamers will also have chance to get Christmas Gift Box of Christmassy accessories for 7days or special mount [Santa’s Bear] (exclusive in Myth Angels Online )for 15 days. Previews of our some Christmassy accessories:

Q: Any teasers of what players can expect in the near future for Myth Angels Online?
A: Yearning for Spring to Come is our first expansion. We plan to release new expansion every quarter, so gamers can look forward to more new systems in the future. For example, pet system, in the future we will launch more interesting functions. Gamers can explore more about the potential of their pets to make them even much stronger! Besides, regarding the marriage system, class upgrade…etc, they are also something gamers can anticipate in the near future of MAO.
Q: Thank you for your time! I am sure the community will be very eagerly looking forward to the expansion!
A: Thanks! We look forward to meet everyone online in Myth Angels Online soon!