Dungeon & Fighter – 2nd awakening for Male Slayer teased
During the Dungeon & Fighter Festival 2012 event this past weekend, not only was the Female Slayer announced, but the 2nd awakening for the Male Slayer was also teased to an excited crowd. These new awakenings are the advancements of Grand Master, Soul Reaper, Hell Bringer and Dark Knight respectively. I shall refrain from doing a direct translation and wait upon Nexon’s finalized English names. They will be added to the Korean server in January next year.
I managed to gather more photos of the event, and there were pop stars singing, live stage performances, funny hosts, merchandise exhibition, test play area and more. The MMO industry is really still booming in Korea, and not to mention with Nexon being the biggest. If only such events are held more often overseas as well…