A Western fantasy game built by ChangYou’s self-developed engine and aimed at the international market, Project S has several feature a true sandbox title would have. Although still in the development phase, here are some of the features currently listed:
1. Each single area is 100,000 square meter big, 3 times the size of any current online games.
2. Over 2,000 different plant designs in the game.
3. Up to 24 areas each with its own unique design, 4 times more than most online games.

4. Game view can go up till 1,800 meter from players’ perspective.

5. Game engine designed for both low and high end systems.
6. Building houses, castles, forming towns and farming are all part of the game.

7. Carriers such as flying warships can be built.

In my opinion, Project S is no doubt trying to challenge Tencent’s upcoming sandbox, ArcheAge, although it is slated for official release only in 2014. ChangYou has been taking strides in buffing up its online titles, with several seen at the Game+ event.