[Register now] By “entry”, it means just the first few levels. And to be honest, I am liking what I have played thus far in Neverwinter‘s Beta Weekend 2 (or simply Closed Beta 2). The overall feel of the game,…
Black Desert – Interview with developer Pearl Abyss
This interview was actually sent to Pearl Abyss last September, but due to lack of English speaking staff, it was subsequently delayed. Better late than never! Black Desert is the Korean studio’s first MMORPG, which is led by the creator…
Gundog – OGPlanet reveals new furry online shooter
First revealed back in 2010, Gundog has finally made its way to the Western market after 3 long years. The publisher will be OGPlanet, sort of famous now for their room-based PvP titles. And yes, players will all be playing…
Core Masters – Closed Beta phase announced for April
The global MOBA craze, chasing the successes of Dota 2 and League of Legends, continues as a new title from the genre gets ready for Closed Beta next month. The debut title of studio Soft Big Bang, Core Masters will…
Hounds – Female character models teased for upcoming patch
While the game launched recently in Korea with only male characters, Hounds recently teased about adding the new female character models in the upcoming content update this month. Developed by CJ GameLab, this Korean shooter emphasize more on co-op PvE…
Viper Circle – Neowiz teases new Unreal Engine 3 shooter
While the avalanche of MOBA titles from both Western and Asian developers are occupying headlines within the industry, the FPS genre has taken a backseat, though still a very relevant genre. Neowiz Games, still smarting from a company-wide layoff, has…
Kritika – A brief look at the tutorial stages
With SimCity giving me tons of bugs and problems, I though it would be a good time to give Kritika a short run, thanks to the account of a newly acquired ninja. I only played till level 10, and thought…
Blade & Soul – Lyn race becomes a Pokemon in latest Skyrim parody
Released early last month, the video is part of a comedy series based in the world of Skyrim. In the latest Pokemon-inspired episode , Blade & Soul’s Lyn race gets featured as Meow Meow, a Pokemon. The whole video is…
Aion 4.0 – Dungeons galore for final update as 3rd class goes missing
Separated into 3 parts for the 4.0 update, Aion Korea will be welcoming the final part on 13th March. While 2 of the 3 new classes, Gunner and Bard, have been added, the final mecha-like class has gone missing, not…
Blade & Soul – Themed mouse from SteelSeries teased
More hardware news, this time coming from South Korea and SteelSeries. Blade & Soul will be getting its own customized gamer mouse, combining both keyboard and mouse functionality into 1. Which will most probably mean there are buttons on the…
League of Legends – New Collector’s Edition swag from Razer
Razer and Riot Games have worked together before on PC peripherals for League of Legends, but I believe this is the first time the term “Collector’s Edition” has been used. Razer has just released the League of Legends Collector’s Edition…
Dragon’s Prophet – New character class trailer as Closed Beta nears
With the North America and Europe publishers already confirmed a few months back, Dragon’s Prophet will finally enter Closed Beta in its native Taiwan on 13th March. Trailers for the classes were revealed, as seen in the merged version below.…
Sword Art Online: World’s End – Game launches in Japan
Delayed for several months, Sword Art Online: World’s End, finally launched in Japan under the GREE mobile platform at the end of February. The game has no flashy 3D graphics, and it is based mostly on 2D images and minimal…
ArcheAge – Breeding feature added into game
To summarize the latest update for ArcheAge, the new breeding feature was added. However, it is only for a certain livestock/ mount, Yata. This was teased previously, with gamers speculating that it was actually for their characters. Developer XLGAMES did…