During the Dungeon & Fighter Festival 2012 event this past weekend, not only was the Female Slayer announced, but the 2nd awakening for the Male Slayer was also teased to an excited crowd. These new awakenings are the advancements of…
Dungeon & Fighter – Female Slayer launch date announced
It is no secret the Female Slayer is coming this winter to the Korean server of Dungeon & Fighter, since it was announced several months ago. A confirmed date was revealed at an event earlier today, which is 20th December…
Swordsman Online – New game engine replaces the old
Still mentioned as the Angelica III Engine, Perfect World has given it a rather heavy upgrade which changed Swordsman Online from a static isometric Diablo-like MMORPG to a full 3D one. The changes no doubt caused the massive delay in…
Webzen – MU Online tops global earnings in latest financial report
It seems like a trend in Korea for old games to carry the companies through, for example Lineage 1 for NCsoft and MapleStory for Nexon. The same goes to Webzen, where the over-decade old MU Online coming out as the…
F.E.A.R: Origin Online – Closed Beta delayed till December
Originally scheduled to enter its first Closed Beta on 22nd November, F.E.A.R: Origin Online has now been postponed till the last week of December. Publisher Nowcom decided this after getting players’ feedback during G*Star 2012, and will be working…
Swordsman Online – Sneak preview of North Hengshan Sect combat
Perfect World’s upcoming martial arts MMORPG, Swordsman Online, officially begins its “Vanguard Testing” phase over at its Beijing headquarters, with only a handful of players selected. The last time we saw a video on the game, the camera was pretty…
Absolute Force – Closed Beta keys up for grabs
Looking for a game to try out this weekend? NetDragon has just launched the Closed beta phase for its Unreal-developed shooter, Absolute Force, and Closed Beta keys are up for grabs here! Absolute Force features several game modes, and even…
RIFT Taiwan – Game goes F2P for first 40 levels
Following the footsteps of the Korean server, RIFT Taiwan has announced that the first 40 levels of the game will be totally free for everyone to play. RIFT Taiwan went into non-wipe beta in September, and officially launch in October.…
Lime Odyssey – Korean server revives under new publisher
After going down since March this year, there hasn’t been news on Lime Odyssey for over 8 months. Earlier today, it was revealed that Lime Odyssey Korea will finally be revived, with the publisher being Daum Communications, 1 of the…
Dungeon Hero – Japan server begins Closed Beta signup
Japanese MMO portal, GameHeart, announced that signups for Closed Beta 1 will begin later today. Back in Korea, Dungeon Hero will be entering Alpha test 2 today as well. Developed by Eyasoft, of Luna Online and Legend of Edda fame,…
Wargaming – Developer sets up direct presence in Southeast Asia
[Press Release] Wargaming, the award-winning online video game developer and publisher, is pleased to report steadfast growth across Southeast Asia as well as announce its direct presence in the region. Guided in its first steps into the regional market by…
RIFT China – Protesters claiming unpaid wages
While RIFT celebrates its mega expansion in North America, the game is not doing too well in Asia, first Korea and now China. According to today’s local news, the 3rd party group which translated the game claimed publisher Shanda Games…
RIFT Korea – 49 levels of free gameplay to save title
RIFT Korea, in a supposed desperate attempt to save sliding player numbers, has announced that the game’s first 49 levels will Free-to-Play for everyone, with no content restriction starting from 20th November. It seems that the campaign held 4 months…
GameFuse – ChangYou’s new online games portal
China MMO developer and publisher, ChangYou, has been rather quiet over the past few months. After announcing its financial earnings in China for 3Q 2012, which propelled the company to the no.3 spot in the country, the Western subsidiary announced…