8712 Articles134 Comments

Your average online gamer who is bilingual in Chinese and English, although he does try to play Japanese and Korean games sometimes. Online gaming since 1999, and has worked in the online gaming and mobile gaming industry (Journalist, Game Master, Community Manager, Operations Manager) since 2008.

ArcheAge – CBT5 to be based on CryEngine 3

As some of you might have known, XLGAMES’ debut title, ArcheAge, was first developed on CryEngine 2. However, it would seem that Crytek has “abandoned” that, and instead push out the upgrade CryEngine 3 instead. Hence, ArcheAge got on the…

Guild Wars 2 – Server named after veteran gamer

[Source] It is always touching to see the mega gaming corporations doing something for the community, and in this case, ArenaNet named 1 of its servers in the upcoming Final Beta Weekend after a deceased veteran gamer. Roger “Oldroar” Rall…

Priston Tale 2 – Game closure confirmed

According to foreign reports, Priston Tale 2 Korea will be closing its servers come 30th August 2012 bringing a run of around 5 years to an end. Some reasons given include the game lacking competitiveness in the saturated MMO market,…

GUNS and ROBOTS – Enter the wild robotic west

[Press release] Masthead Studios, a leading independent game developer, announced today information about their upcoming title GUNS and ROBOTS set to release in December 2012. GUNS and ROBOTS is engaging third person online shooter with inventive character design and an…

Guild Wars 2 – Sylvari race preview

[Game website] I just noticed I have been spelling “Sylvari” as “Slyvari” all this time… Sorry, I am more of a Charr/ Asura person (finding excuses). Ok, silly ignorant mistakes aside, Guild Wars 2’s final Beta Weekend is due to…

Atlantica Online: The Rise of Atlantis

A few years back, I played Atlantica Online for a couple of months. I was always wondering, where the heck is the continent of Atlantis, with the mindset that the game’s name was derived from there. Of course, Atlantis was…

Dragon Nest – Sea Dragon curry, anyone ?

The publisher of Dragon Nest Japan, Hangame, has always spared no expenses promoting the game (Gackt was the spokesperson for the game’s launch). Who is Gackt? Well, just go Google his name 🙂 In this new marketing campaign, Hangame has…

Blade & Soul – Game goes Free to Play

Ok, before any misunderstanding happens, Blade & Soul will only be free for the first 15 levels starting today. There is no duration stated, hence it is most probably a permanent thing. After the first free major content update on…

Swordsman Online – Sneak peek at character tech

After previewing what looks to be the final game client screenshot last week (link), Perfect World Beijing is ready to disclose some of the technologies used in developing the game. First up, the characters themselves.   It is pretty easy…

Allods Online – Rejected by Chinese government

According to the latest reports, Russian developer Astrum Nival’s plans to bring Allods Online to China may have hit a brick wall, a gigantic one that is. Set to be officially launched by publisher Giant Interactive, Allods Online was touted…

Hounds – More blood and gore in new trailer

If you have not read about this game before, I can assure you this game is definitely not about dogs. Well, maybe mutated ones. This is Hounds, a new online shooter from Korean MMO developer/ publisher CJ Games, better known…

PlanetSide 2 – ChinaJoy campaign kicks off

It is less than 2 weeks before ChinaJoy 2012 begins, and Chinese MMO developer/publisher The9 is gearing up full speed to promote PlanetSide 2. A point to note, the game ain’t scheduled to launch until next year! According to the…

Counter-Strike Online 2 – Is this just a better looking sequel?

Similar to the prequel, Counter-Strike Online 2 is crafted using Valve’s Source Engine by Nexon Korea, with various new maps, characters, and better graphics. A press event was held over the past weekend to a small group, and as usual,…

Diablo III – Blizzard fined millions by government

I am sure most Diablo III gamers would have read about how the Korean government (FTC, Fair Trade Commission to be exact) stormed Blizzard’s Korean office after receiving many complains from the public about the Diablo III’s less than satisfactory…