For those of you who are unaware, Gamescom 2012 is actually my first proper gaming convention trip. Yeap, and this was made possible by, the company which graciously covered my flight and accommodation costs. It is a long day…
Gamescom 2012
Monarch: Heroes of a New Age – Another Netmarble title confirmed
[Press release] They say power is claimed by the sword but no man has ever conquered alone. Monarchs rise and Monarchs fall, so if you want to gain power – and keep it, you’d better find good soldiers. The siege…
Hounds – Alien zombie co-op coming to English shores
Well well, it seems CJ E&M, the Korean HQ for their online games department, is taking the English market rather seriously. You see, under their current Netmarble English portal, there is just 1 game, Uncharted Waters Online. Hounds is scheduled…
Final Fantasy XIV Online – Square Enix releases 27 new images
Technically not released at Gamescom 2012, I think I read that the game will have a demo or in-game stuff at the event. Square Enix released a new bunch of screenshots, which I am really impressed with. Hopefully, it will…
Gamescom 2012 – The madness starts tomorrow
As a guest of, I will be entering the halls of Gamescom 2012 tomorrow (Germany time). So now, I have the rest of the day to prep up and store enough energy for a day which will begin at…
Command & Conquer goes Free-to-Play
k, before you are going to say that there is already a F2P C&C game in the form of Alliance, this is a client-based game we are talking about, not a Facebook/ browser one. Developed using Frostbite 2, the same…
Gamescom 2012 – I am on the way there!
Hello folks, if you noticed, posts have not been really posted as actively over the past 12 hours. Well, I am invited to Gamescom 2012 by for 2 days, hence the slight inactivity. Just to let you guys know,…