Any of you older gamers played Wizardry back in the days? I have not, but I was told that the game’s popularity was on par with that of Dungeons and Dragons’ as single player RPGs in the 1980s. The last…
Game news from Japan
Phantasy Star Online 2 – Alpha application begins for Japan
This news might be 2 days old, but pardon me as I forgot about it. Phantasy Star Online, developed by Sega, is currently accepting applications for the Alpha version of the game. As you might have seen in the heading,…
[TGS 2010] Bounty Hounds Online – New game trailer revealed
Bounty Hounds Online is a upcoming sci-fi MMORPG developed by Taiwanese studio, XPEC. The developer also produced the PSP version way back in 2006 (Bounty Hounds), which was published by Namco Bandai. At last year’s TGS 2009, the game was…
Core Blaze – 2 new gameplay trailers revealed at Tokyo Game Show 2010
After teasing the Tokyo Game Show crowd with a CG trailer on the first day of the event, Taiwanese MMO bigwig, Gamania, has released actual ingame footages for Core Blaze, its upcoming action MMORPG developed using Unreal Engine 3. When…
Core Blaze – Official CG trailer revealed at Tokyo Game Show 2010
One of the many MMO titles Taiwanese MMO bigwig, Gamania, has on show for TGS 2010, Core Blaze is an action MMORG developed using the Unreal 3 Engine. While not much about the game is known now (except for the…
[TGS 2010] X.A.O.C – New game trailer revealed in Tokyo
Tokyo Game Show 2010 started earlier today, and Taiwanese developer, Winking, has revealed a new trailer for its upcoming MMORPG, XAOC. If you have not read, I have briefly introduced the game a few months back. Some new features…
Phantasy Star – New online game on the horizon?
According to foreign reports, Satoshi Sakai, the famed Art Director of Sega, revealed to the Japanese media that a new Phantasy Star Online MMO will be revealed at this year’s Tokyo Game Show (TGS). The English server for their last…