League of Legends – Riot Games allegedly banning private casting

As Season 3 for League of Legends is arriving, there are several new changes to the game rules itself. But those changes were apparently extended to private casting (giving personal comments LIVE while matches are running), with popular caster Wombat…

Absolute Force – Closed Beta keys up for grabs

Looking for a game to try out this weekend? NetDragon has just launched the Closed beta phase for its Unreal-developed shooter, Absolute Force, and Closed Beta keys are up for grabs here! Absolute Force features several game modes, and even…

GameFuse – ChangYou’s new online games portal

China MMO developer and publisher, ChangYou, has been rather quiet over the past few months. After announcing its financial earnings in China for 3Q 2012, which propelled the company to the no.3 spot in the country, the Western subsidiary announced…

The Secret World – Big Trouble in the Big Apple update video

Otherwise known as Issue 4 of the updates for The Secret World, Big Trouble in the Big Apple has been touted for a couple of months thus far, with the game’s first raid being added, along with some pretty big…

Absolute Force – A new online shooter on the block

[Game website] There are quite a number of online shooters coming out over the next few months, and Absolute Force is 1 just reporting for duty. Most are of the same old story, men in camouflage aging war on terrorists…

Neverwinter – Control Wizard class preview

[Game website] Developed by Cryptic Studios and published by Perfect World Entertainment, Neverwinter has been in development for quite a while now. If I have not read wrongly, the “delay” was caused by the Foundry system, which is a massive…

Scarlet Blade – Korean adult MMORPG gets a new name

[Register now] As announced last month, Queen’s Blade Online, an adult MMORPG in Korea, is coming to the Western market via Aeria Games. The game has now been officially been re-branded as Scarlet Blade, where there are still no male…

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn – Character creation footage

Straight from the Alpha client, Square Enix has just revealed a footage for the character creation feature in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. Vastly improved compared to that junk which is the original Final Fantasy XIV, the graphics and…

RaiderZ – North America and Europe servers prepares for Open Beta

[Game website] Perfect World Entertainment’s 2nd Korea-developed F2P game, RaiderZ, will be going into Open Beta on 24th October, which is around 2 days away if you have not bought the Founder’s Pack. An action-combat MMORPG, I personally feel the…

EverQuest Next – “Largest” sandbox MMO to be playable next year

Not to confuse readers, EverQuest Next will be playable at next year’s SOE Live event, not in retail. EverQuest Next, or EverQuest III, was teased nearly 2 years ago, and at SOE Live this year, more information was given out…

Dragon’s Prophet – North America publisher announced

[English website] The identity of the North American publisher kind of took me by surprise, as the company wasn’t dipping into Asia-developed games until recently. The publisher is Sony Online Entertainment (SOE), the developer behind the Everquest franchise and PlanetSide…

Star Wars: The Old Republic – Force(d) to Pay preview trailer

In another masterstroke by EA Bioware, the F2P options for SWTOR coming this fall were revealed a couple of days ago to ogling fans all over the world. With restrictions such as weekly passes required to join instances (called Operations)…

Firefall – Celebrities to game and live stream event

Firefall is still in beta, and will “forever” be in beta according to an earlier speech by CEO Mark Kern, but that is not stopping the company from starting its marketing push. Putting the millions from its China parent company…

Defiance – New developer diary talks open world PvP goodness

[Game website] I was never a fan of open world PvP, and to some extent, I still am. The only exception now is PlanetSide 2, where I don’t get ganked while killing a PvE boss halfway. I sure hope Defiance…