Perfect World Entertainment’s 2010 blockbuster MMORPG, originally codenamed Project Empire (EM), has been renamed as Forsaken World (Online ?). Though not official, the tease has been given via Perfect World’s English blog and the end of the last video regarding…
ArcheAge – Sneak look
ArcheAge, origianlly codenamed Project X2, is currently being developed by Korea’s XL Games using CryEngine 2, which started 3 years ago. XL Games is founded by Jake Song, the creator of NCsoft’s Lineage. The name ArcheAge is used to represent…
Valiant – Brief features
Valiant, one of Mgame’s few MMORPGs officially revealed at this year’s G★2009, recently went into Alpha Testing with some of the game’s controls and features revealed. Valiant will not have any specific classes, with players able to equip 3 out…
Project EM – More details revealed
For those of you who haven’t heard of this game, Project EM (or Empire), is Perfect World Entertainment’s 2010 blockbuster MMORPG. The name might changed for the English server, but the Chinese title has been confirmed as 神魔大陆, roughly translating…
Crayon Shin-Chan OL announced
Yup, you read it right. Crayon Shin-Chan will be made into a MMO after an official announcement was made. The developer will be Windysoft, who also developed/ published games like Infinity Online, GetAmped and GetAmped 2, Rusty Hearts and Heva…
A peek into Riot Games
Have you heard of League of Legends ? If you haven’t, you get a “F” grade as a MMO gamer, lol. League of Legends, developed by Riot Games, is an online version of DOTA, the hit mod map spawned from…
Hunter Blade expands
Even though Hunter Blade, developed in China, has not gone live (in 2010), the publishing rights for the game has been grabbed in Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong. The game will most probably remain in Chinese, as these 3 places…
Project EM – 5 main races revealed
Perfect World Entertainment’s 2010 blockbuster MMORPG, Project Empire (codename), has just revealed the 5 main races and a small ingame map of the starting areas. There’s supposedly no fixed classes for Project EM. The 5 main races will be the…
Hellgate: Tokyo interview
GameMeca, one of Korea’s top gaming websites, recently had a interview with the development team of Hellgate: London and the upcoming Hellgate: Tokyo. Quite a few indepths quesitons and answers were revealed, so here’s the translated script. Q: How is…
Project E
Project E is Korean developer, EYA Soft’s latest MMORPG. Gamers might remember EYA as the developer for Luna Online, Titan Online, Legend of Edda and Gpotato’s upcoming Iris Online. The game, as seen from the website design, focuses on the…
FFXIV – Character Customizations
Square Enix updated their Final Fantasy XIV Online website again, this time with specifications on how players can customize their characters’ looks and appearance. It seems the Square Enix is wasting no effort to make sure there will be abundant…
Magic World Online 2 – World Map
Its 4 days till Magic World Online 2 enters its very first Focus Group Test phase, and the World Map for the game has just been released. Does it look too familiar to Diablo 2’s world map ? It certainly…
Silkroad Online heads to Egypt
Sorry to burst your bubble, but this is for the Taiwan server of Silkroad Online, not the global server. Yes, the Taiwanese server has added a brand new country/ kingdom into the game, the ancient Egypt. The official expansion name…
Steam Holiday Sale
Yeap, I’m helping Steam to advertise abit, since their Holiday Sale is really something to post about. They are having an incredible Holiday Sale, and tons of games, including some Pay To Play MMORPGs, are on sale.You still have to…