Last week, the new Warlock class made its first appearance in a teaser trailer by NCsoft Korea. Over the weekend, the extended trailer was revealed over at Tencent Games Carnival 2014, and the Taiwanese media got to chat with the NCsoft…
Tree of Savior – Development head talks about the game in new interview
Looks like there is still one more important article to post for G-Star 2014. Chinese news website 17173 manage to grab an interview with the Development Director of Tree of Savior, who is the main guy now. Studio founder Mr…
Closers – Interview reveals how Pve and PvP will be balanced in the game
Closers: Dimension Conflict is one of the many games which Nexon Korea will be publishing next year. The first game from Naddic Games, Closers intends to modernize the side-scroll hack and slash genre. Chinese media 17173 gets to have a…
Lost Ark – Interview with Smilegate RPG Director on stunning new game
Smilegate sprang a major surprise at this year’s G-Star event by announcing Lost Ark, and revealing 2 incredible trailers during the few days. Korean media outlet, ThisIsGame, sat down with the RPG Director of Smilegate (gentleman in the middle) to…
Ghost in the Shell Online – Neople CEO gives an interview on new shooter
First announced in Japan on February 2013, Ghost in the Shell Online went back into development for almost 21 months before revealing itself again at G-Star 2014. Developed by Neople, a studio under Nexon which made games such as Dungeon…
Civilization Online – Jake Song talks about the game in new interview
XLGAMES is at G-Star 2014 promoting Civilization Online, and Taiwan media GNN managed to hold an interview with Mr Jake Song, a couple of key development executives and even a representative from 2K Games. Please note that the replies are…
Lineage Eternal – Interview reveals launch plans and Diablo comparisons
Over at G-Star 2014, Chinese media outlet 17173 managed to interview 2 important figures in the Lineage Eternal development team. While not sure on how to translate their names, they are the Development Director and Producer. And no, there will not…
Chaos Heroes Online – Interview with publisher Aeria Games on new MOBA
[Game website] If you did not know, Aeria Games is preparing a new game, Chaos Heroes Online, for the Western market. A competitive MOBA title developed in South Korea by Neoact, some questions asked were too early for an answer since…
Tales Runner – Interview with the new publishing team from OGPlanet
[Game website] Tales Runner is making a comeback in the American market, and it is no surprise given the popularity of the previous version which was abruptly closed. OGPlanet is the new publisher, and the original interview article can be seen…
Phantasy Star Online 2 – Brief interview with publishing team
[Game website] The first English server for Phantasy Star Online 2 ended recently, with the publisher being Asiasoft. Despite being restricted to SEA region only, the excitement can be felt worldwide. I had a brief interview with the publishing team…
Diablo III: Reaper of Souls – Expansion launch interview Part 1
[Game website] Reaper of Souls, the expansion for Diablo III, launched just this past week. Having been a detractor of the former game due to several of its features, the removal of the Auction House and implementation of Loot 2.0…
Kingdom Under Fire II – Exclusive interview with developer Blueside
Since being announced a few years back, interest for Kingdom Under Fire II has risen substantially. Old fans of the prior games in the series, and new online gaming fans alike are clamoring for more details, especially since the game…
Aura Kingdom – Interview on the most anime online game yet
[Game website] I first played the original Taiwan version (Fantasy Frontier) a couple of months back, and just when I thought I am “retired” from active gaming, I managed to stay in the game till I hit level cap. The…
Gloria Victis – A journey through medieval Europe interview
[Facebook page] There aren’t really many full 3D and Free-to-Play online games I can think of which fully relates to actual history and the particular time’s culture. Enter Gloria Victis, an upcoming MMORPG focused on a time where swords and…