Seven Knights II, the sequel to the popular mobile RPG Seven Knights, launched yesterday in South Korea. Developer Netmarble Nexus, an in-house team under Netmarble, has crafted this mobile MMORPG for years using Unreal Engine 4 in order to have…
Seven Knights II – Pre-registration begins in South Korea for mobile MMORPG
As announced last month, Netmarble started the pre-registration phase for Seven Knights II in South Korea late yesterday after a livestream show. An authentic sequel to the original Seven Knights, this mobile MMORPG is crafted using Unreal Engine 4 with…
Seven Knights II – South Korean server begins pre-registration next month
Netmarble today announced that its next flagship game, Seven Knights II, will begin pre-registration on 7 October for the domestic Korean server. Officially announced since 2017, it seems like Seven Knights II is being prepared for a launch later this…
Seven Knights II – Netmarble reveals new logo design for upcoming mobile MMORPG
In case you missed the previous news, Netmarble is now working hard to expand the world of Seven Knights, with a proper sequel Seven Knights II and Seven Knights Revolution now in development. It has been some time since we…
Seven Knights II – Netmarble gives an update on missing mobile MMORPG sequel
Mobile gaming titan Netmarble recently announced its financial results for the 3rd quarter of 2019 (July to September), and don’t worry the company is not closing down any time soon. In fact, with around USD 73 million net profit in…
Seven Knights II – Netmarble determined to please fans of original game
Officially revealed last year just before G-Star 2017 began, Seven Knights II is the sequel to the hit mobile RPG, Seven Knights. Developer Netmarble has scheduled the mobile MMORPG to launch in South Korea in 2019, but has been rather…
Seven Knights II – New beastman character revealed for mobile MMORPG
Powered by Unreal Engine 4, Netmarble today revealed the second original playable character for its upcoming mobile MMORPG, Seven Knights II. Theon is a beastman, pretty much like the Charr race in Guild Wars 2, and wields 2 mighty clubs…
Seven Knights II – Netmarble unveils first original character for mobile MMORPG sequel
After confirming some of the original characters who will be returning to the mobile sequel, developer Netmarble today unveiled the first original character for Seven Knights II, Valdur. Armed with a long sword which packs a powerful swing and bash,…
Netmarble – Camera footage of all 4 mobile MMORPG titles from G-Star 2017
As most of you would have known by now, Netmarble is developing several mobile MMORPG titles, including Blade & Soul Revolution, Seven Knights II, Icarus M, and TERA M. Powered by Unreal Engine 4, all 4 games are now available…
Seven Knights II – Dellons and Shane announced for mobile MMORPG sequel
Along with a new trailer for Blade & Soul Revolution, Netmarble today announced the appearance of Shane and Dellons in the upcoming Seven Knights II. Crafted using Unreal Engine 4 and taking place 30 years after the original Seven Knights…
Seven Knights II – Netmarble reveals content for G-Star 2017 demo version
Following the recent reveal of Seven Knights II, developer and publisher Netmarble has provided details of the game demo at next week’s G-Star 2017 game convention in Busan, South Korea. Attendees will first get to try out the early part…
Seven Knights II – Rudy and Eileene introduction trailers revealed for mobile sequel
Powered by Unreal Engine 4, the first 2 trailers for Seven Knights II have been revealed, introducing 2 veterans from the original game! Rudy and Eileene have the honor of being the first 2 characters confirmed for the mobile MMORPG,…